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Is Tank Or Dmg Better Top Lane

pencomescucosver 2020. 9. 27. 23:23

Flex tape thats alot of dmg. Toplane tanks arent even some real problem. It's okay for them to outtrade scaling duelist champions like fiora or jax or yasuo since you outscale them in 1v1 easily enough. If you're playing a lane bully you shouldn't be losing trades to any tank now that ornn got nerfed, except sion, who's strong but nothing more than that. 5e giving monsters class levels dmg download. The problem is that after lane bruisers do nothing in teamfights and that nothing toplaners in general do matters unless you're playing select few op's. If you don't.

Is Tank Or Dmg Better Top Lane Season

Is tank or dmg better top lane 6

Is Tank Or Dmg Better Top Lane Player

The current strategy is exactly what DrunkenOne said, let me explain the reasons for the seasons..
You want a tanky dps up top because this is going to be someone who can sustain the combat for you. We are talking champs like Udyr, Irelia, Garagas, Sion, Rumble, Mordekaiser, etc. Basically this is the guy if you run into he isn't probably going to be able to kill, but you sure as hell have no chance of killing him.
AP mid is going to be that guy who nukes someone to smithereens. If he gets involved in the focus fire he is going to make a 5v5 into a 5v4 with 1 set of cool downs. Fizz, Karthus, Kat, TF, LB, Ahri, etc.
AD ranged is just what it sounds like. These guys base their damage on auto attacks. This means high crit chances, fast attack speeds. Because their damage isn't based on abilities they keep a consistent damage per second. Vayne, Graves, AD Teemo, Corki, Cait, etc
0 CS support serves a couple of purposes. First they are there to make serve the AD ranged gets a nice farm going. By 0 CS we literally mean you do not kill a minion. That extra is collected by the AD ranged. This is important because with higher AD they will have an easy time last hitting, which will earn more last hits. Also, a BF sword costs 1650 and the most important gold collected is the 1650th coin. You not farming can literally be the difference between them getting a sword when its convienent to go back. Your other role is to buff teamates, Zilean has a speed boost and an ulti the keeps people from dying. Sona has a heal and 3 buff/ 2 debuffs. Soraka can heal/ buff armor and give mana. Karma can heal, give a speed boost, and shield. Jana has a heal and an AD buffing shield.
Jungle is another usually tanky DPS champ or might actually be close to a full out tank. Traditional junglers are ww, shaco, olaf, udyr, nunu, lee sin, noc. However, you will certainly see a rammus, skarner, or mumu in the jungle and maybe even a Gangplank. These champs work so well because they can gank like mofos. Ram taunts, skarner's ulti pulls and his q slows, mumu has 2 stuns (one is aoe) and GP can do massive dmg and slow.
Most people don't even recognize that the bot lane is the 2v2 because it's closest to dragon. That way if you notice it's being taken you have more people in a distance to attack. The advantage of having solo lanes is of course to give them more xp. Those roles are allocated to the AP mid and tanky dps because those roles are going to carry you in team fights.

Is Tank Or Dmg Better Top Lane 6

  1. May 11, 2019 In League of Legends, top lane is filled with tanks, assassins and juggernauts alike. Many players struggle between warding, farming, dealing with your lane opponent, and helping out your team. The top-laner is sometimes blamed for not helping the team, but that's ok.
  2. Mar 14, 2017  Top lane is an island they say. Often bemoaned as the lane with the least interaction with the rest of the game, it’s easy to overlook the depth of skill and decision making that top lane provides. You pit yourself in a battle of wits, not only against your opposing laner, but also against the enemy jungler, and later on, against the entire enemy team.