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Best Pure Dmg Hammer In Mhw

pencomescucosver 2020. 9. 27. 23:25

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edited April 2018 in Console - General Discussion
What are the current DPS rankings for end game dungeons? Pls don’t include lancer, brawler, mystic, priest or the dps classes not currently in the PS4 game. I would like to see rankings on warrior, berserker, slayer, archer, sorcerer, reaper, and ninja (if it’s in game.) I think that’s all the currently available dps.

Aug 31, 2018  pure Attacking build att 7 crit boost 3 weakness 3. Thx for all this tipps ^^ dident think the so many are play sword shield ^^ and i seachr for a dmg build not a supp becous if i wanne play supp i play light bow gun. Using armour with free element is good too because the free element weapons are often the best of that element or status. Without the new classes on console the 'best' class for pure DPS will change. I have heard everything from Valk to gunner to slayers. (similar to greatsword and hammer in MHW). And generally slower swings because in this game it’s harder to stay on mobs compared to FFO and WoW with the jerky movement and camera issues. I’m gonna take. Jan 15, 2019  Best way to play MHW Switch Axe is to understand how to use the morph mechanic effectively. My latest weapon guide for MHW Iceborne is the Hammer! If you decide to switch to a new weapon during your Iceborne playthrough, make sure to take the hammer into your consideration! Pure PlayStation; PlayStation LifeStyle LATEST POSTS.

8 crit dmg how much maplestory cost. Aug 29, 2018 You guys request for a crit rate video. So here you go! This time with Mulung Crit Rate buff at 10%. Crit Rate Vs Crit Dmg Zakum Solo Test Maple Story M Guide. Maplestory M: Fusing 1. Nov 08, 2018 I say generally because many sins for example really like the crit damage stat since they have 100% crit buff or smth. Idk, it depends a bit on your class. If you google a guide for your class it should be mentioned there what's best to go for. Crit Dmg vs Boss Dmg. No crit dmg is op. 8% Crit Dmg is about 30% main stat. Boss dmg isn't as good in reboot. More posts from the Maplestory community. Lol I cubed recently and I landed 8% crit and 6% main stat, and my friend lowkey gasped. He argued that 8% crit dmg is the better choice when comparing to 30% main stat, so I just wanted feedback from the community here. Oct 18, 2016 Version: KMS 1.2.265 - As requested, I have decided to do a video over Critical Damage! There actually isnt too much of a difference, to be honest. TL;DW = the change isnt as big as it seems.

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Best Pure Dmg Hammer In Mhw Stock


Best pure dmg hammer in mhw 3

  • 0
  • Dunno. How we should know when there is no DPS meter?
  • I honestly don't remember which class was the strongest during the console patch. Has sorc been revamped yet?
  • edited April 2018
    Anyone have the rankings for the PC? I would guess they are the same?
  • Without the new classes on console the 'best' class for pure DPS will change. I have heard everything from Valk to gunner to slayers. Some of it has to do with build as well, obviously a crit based DPS class could stand up to or even out DPS another class deemed 'better' but with a crappy build.
  • edited April 2018
    The warrior in this version is the worst with the archer.
    The warrior revamp will change a lot of things (the archer revamp is awaited too).
    Currently I'd like to say
    Slayer, archer
    The meta change between patchs. Stop thinking about being the 'best DPS' and play the DPS you want. If you're skilled you'll be better than an average player whatever the damage dealer you've chosen.
    Good game.
  • While the post above me is probably the most right, I would like to say you really shouldn't worry about who is the best DPS at this point. Fact is, even the 'worse' of the DPS has enough DPS to do content so long as they're compentent. In otherwords, you're not actually gimping yourself. So just play what you enjoy so you can be GOOD at what you're playing and then I can promise you, you'll see results far superior to if you just try to meta-ride all day long.
    If you're taking too long to kill a boss or something in the end game, it won't be due to the classes, it'll be due to incompentence of the pilot behind the class.
  • what exactly is different with warrior from the revamp to what we have on console?
  • edited April 2018
    Sounds good. I have a 15 zerker and a 15 warrior. I also have a 41 lancer and 23 mystic. I’ve decided I want to tank and dps not heal. Ive been playing the zerker all day today and I like it better than the warrior. I enjoy the charging mechanic (similar to greatsword and hammer in MHW). and generally slower swings because in this game it’s harder to stay on mobs compared to FFO and WoW with the jerky movement and camera issues. I’m gonna take the zerker to 40 now so I can try a reaper.
  • Stop thinking about being the 'best DPS' and play the DPS you want. If you're skilled you'll be better than an average player whatever the damage dealer you've chosen.

    To give an example, my archer is consistently doing more damage than many other DPS players. I pay attention to the order in which I use skills, and to the cool down of my timers so I am consistently able to put out big attacks.
  • edited April 2018
    First thing first,
    Edge stacking : no more shared edge between warriors and they'll be stacked on the war no more on the monster (DPS increase for Scythe when multiple target)
    Deadly Gamble increase the damage of blade Draw, Scythe and rain of blow (three core skills) by 10%. DG double edge generation of some skill.
    Asault stance 10% damage increase
    Base damage increase for lot of skills from 6% to 200%
  • Your DPS will be more contingent on your gear, time invested into your character, time invested into understanding your class, ability to execute optimal rotations (abilities) and your ability to stay behind a boss fluidly without being attacked or failing at a dungeons mechanics more so than anything. Even if a class is top tier DPS on PC, that doesn't mean it will be as easy to pilot in a min-max setting on console.
    IMHO top tier DPS for console is TBD, and will have much more to do with those who are playing their character in an optimal manner rather than raw numbers.
    Being that console is so new, I think it would be unfair to simply state that (Class A) from PC is the top tier DPS solely based on how they perform in our current patch(es).
  • Several things for console players to remember:
    - You are on a different patch, and your patch includes variations of other patches on PC. Example Sorc has revamp, warrior does not. Certain glyph changes to slayer and zerk are not in yet. You have a newer class (brawler) over an older class (gunner.) So using old PC rankings isn't going to be the end-all-be-all determinant of what is 'top dps.'
    - Input over controller UI and keyboard/mouse is way different, especially for some classes like reaper/sorc, where there is a set rotation that is nothing like the in game chains. What I mean is that, optimal dps on some classes may not be the same or even possible as the PC version due to user input. You just might not be able to do the same dps as a sorc from PC during that patch because of those differences. In the future, some dungeons (and dps checks) might have to be adjusted for this fact. They'll have to gather data and see.
    - Finally, you guys don't have a way to see dps. Meters are third party programs, and are strictly banned by the EULA on PC, but as we all know plenty of people use it, and KTera seems to not mind, so it's somewhat of a 'don't be an [filtered] about it, and we won't ban you.' But you guys don't have this. So the only real metric you have of knowing if you are in a high dps party or not is the time it takes to complete a dungeon. I've seen people on console talking about how a 30 minute Lilith keep is great, and the 45 min ones start to suck.. Lilith's keep in +12 mid tier gear should be taking about 15-20 minutes assuming consumables and everyone knows what to do, not 30. So right there we can determine that dps out put is lower, but is it because people are bad? Or because they are new? Or because there is rotation input lag? We just don't know
    So before you ask the question about what is top dps, who is top dps, etc, consider those things, and then ask 'HOW CAN I GET BETTER AT MY CLASS' and then focus on your glyphs, your crystals, your positioning to maintain backtime dps, and your rotations.
    Because of right now, you aren't going to know what your dps is, you only know how long the dungeon takes.
  • A zerker will be top DPS on a stationary target.
    Make it move, and a warrior will do better.
    Add a mechanic that only a sorcerer can skip thanks to warp barrier, and it becomes the top DPS.
    And it could be continued with all other classes..
  • We'll presume for a second:
    - Equal skill players
    - Only DPS classes available on Console
    - For balance sake we'll presume all at their most current state (Warrior change in effect etc.)
    Top: Sorc./Warrior
    Will depend on how many large mobs there are versus single targets, as the Sorc. will excel with the former while the Warrior will gain ground on the latter. Sorc. still puts in large damage on single target but Warrior can output more as it's the class specialty.
    Mid: Zerker/Archer
    Both can do high damage but have drawbacks respectively. Zerkers are reliant on targets not moving and land singular large hits that are a total ht/miss depending on Crit. proc. Archer, while it has AoE is primarily ranged single-target which limits it's output. Multiplicative and successive crits. determine how high or low they fall.
    Flux: Slayer
    Simple to use, unlikely to miss a target except with Heart Strike. Has unusually solid damage without crits. which can be useful against opponents with high crit. resist factors. Can do high damage, might do lower but will always be consistent otherwise.
    Low but Survivable: Reaper
    Hate it as much as you want, Reaper has too much focus on flash over effectiveness. Too much unnecessary animation lowers DPS potential combined with lower base DPS in the first place. The ability to hit larger groups and from a distance helps but it will be outclassed on any single target by most DPS and Sorc. in particular will vaporize a group before the Reaper even gets going. Better in PvP than PvE.

Best Pure Dmg Hammer In Mhw 1

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